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Add-In: StableBit DrivePool v2.2.0.903 RC

StableBit DrivePool the disk pooling application with file duplication has a new version available to download. Version RC includes

Lights-Out 2.5 Information

Lights-Out the power saving add-in for Windows Server 2016 Essentials and WHS2011 have published details on their new 2.5 release

Drive Bender Version 3 Details

Drive Bender the add-in which allows storage pooling is due to be upgraded to version 3 any time soon. New

Add-In: StableBit DrivePool BETA

Covecube have released a beta version of StableBit DrivePool there disk pooling application with file duplication. This new BETA comes

WHSClamAV on GitHub

Remember WHSClamAV? WHSClamAV is a antivirus add-in utilising the open source antivirus engine ClamAV which was released for WHS version

Add-In: Drive Bender v2.6.0.0

Since we last mentioned them, Drive Bender has had 2 updates to its pooling and file redundancy addin. Now at

Add-In: Lights-Out Maintenance Release 2.0.2

The add-in Lights-Out has been updated. Maintenance release 2.0.2 includes the following changes: Fix #227932 Wake domain is not saved

Add-In: Drive Bender v2.5.5.0 Beta

A beta release of Drive Bender the pooling technology add-in is available. Release v2.5.5.0 beta has the following change log:

Add-In: Drive Xtender Coming Soon

Division-M the company which brings us Drive Bender have announced a new product, Drive Xtender. Drive Xtender is a hybrid

Lights-Out Support Forums

GREEN-IT Software who produce the add-in Lights-Out have moved their support forums. The new forums are here You can