Add-In: My Movies for Windows – Home and Essentials v5.13 Pre Release 2

My Movies for Windows - Home and Essentials

My Movies for Windows – Home and Essentials has been updated to version 5.13 Pre Release 2.

here is the change log for the last 2 versions:

My Movies 5.13 Pre Release 2

  • Added: Mobile location editing for TV Episodes.
  • Update: Meta-Data Storage Handler interface updated. Storage handlers must be updated.
  • Change: MP4/M4V meta-data tagging now moved to a separate storage handler, and now tags both movies and tv episodes also.
  • Change: For improved stability, the back-end service now checks the state of the SQL Server service, and starts it if it is not started, giving better details on screen for clients if there are problems.
  • Fix (Attempt): Various things using a randomizer was not truly random.
  • Fix: Cleanup in local database had created a problem with some of the sorting in WMC.
  • Fix: XBMC storage handler did not add box set client titles to sets as it should.

Notice: MP4/M4V meta-data storage handler has an option to update iTunes when iTunes is running on same machine. This functionality is not finalized, and is in non-working state.

My Movies 5.13 Pre Release 1

  • Added: Import of movies now uses collection numbers from personal data, when possible.
  • Added: The alert viewer have been added to the Collection Management application, as many users use this as their primary interface.
  • Added: Option to track digital copy types in the meta-data.
  • Added: Compare on movie updates. Currently only for data, and not images.
  • Added: Compare on TV series and episodes
  • Added: Checkbox on disc chapter editing where you can indicate that chapter names is not included on the release.
  • Added: Check for new data before contribution of TV series and episode
  • Added: Ability to track more than one type on a title.
  • Change: The complete percentage of box sets now reflects that various data should not be added on box set containers.
  • Change: The system now stores mymovies.xml files for TV Series
  • Change: Personal data is now stored in the mymovies.xml file.
  • Fix: Production companies for movies were not added correctly, when updating data on the movie.
  • Fix: Disc titles did not get their online id set, right after contribution of a new disc title.
  • Fix: An empty error message with headline database error could be returned when opening Collection Management right after an update.
  • Fix: My Movies bonjour interop dll was not added to assembly under WHS 2011 and Server Essentials 2012, which could generate unwanted errors.
  • Fix: Some log errors could be generated when system was restarting as a drive watcher caught the shutdown.
  • Fix: Play disc was shown in some situations where it should not be.
  • Fix: An exception could occur when trying to register AnyDVD.
  • Fix: Unexpected drive ids could lead to a crash.
  • Fix: Import of movies set the movie to be standalone if it was in the collection only belonging to a disc title.
  • Fix: Import/monitoring of movies now uses categories from personal data, when possible.
  • Fix: On TV Series update the result window only showed one line in the changed field. It now shows multiple lines.
  • Fix: If disc path is set to BDMV or VIDEO_TS folder, then ‘add to converter’ now accepts that.
  • Fix: Copying to WMA format for music discs could lead to a copy error.
  • Fix: TV Series had their group reset when episodes got added to it.
  • Fix: TV Series update will now add new episodes, and update names on existing ones, even when the series is locked.
  • Fix: Personal titles for movies were not shown correctly, for movies under disc titles.
  • Fix: Meta-data for movie profiles were not stored when running a combined meta-data update in settings.
  • Fix: Some wrong path handlings could cause various issues in the video converter.
  • Fix: Disc copy direct to video converter had some problems setting the correct destination path.
  • Fix: Known TV Series mapping was not used when converting directly from disc
  • Fix: Issue with MKV and TV Series episodes not mapping correct.
  • Fix: XBMC set info was not set correct on box set child titles.

More details on My Movies for Windows – Home and Essentials is available from here.

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