Add-In: Drive Bender v1.4.7.0

Drive Bender Logo

Drive Bender for WHS 2011, SBS Essentials 2011 and WS2012 Essentials have released version which introduces email notifications.

Here is the full change log:

  • Added: Email notifications. Any Drive Bender system notification can now be sent to a nominated email address, this is configured under the Notification settings.
  • Update: Improved user security setting when creating a new mount point.
  • Bug fix: On a multi-pool system, if all the drives go off line for one of the pool, the other pool can also be affected.
  • Update: Improved handling of participating drives going off line (fault tolerant mode).
  • Bug fix: When opening the Drive Bender Manager, the main interface can hide behind other windows.

This latest release can be downloaded from here.

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  1. […] Weitere Seiten die berichten: https://www.mswhs.com/2013/01/add-in-drive-bender-v1-4-7-0/ […]

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