The BYOB Podcast Episode 100


Episode 100 of the BYOB (Build Your Own Box) podcast is available:

This week Jim Collison and John Zajdler join us for an open discussion of technology and hardware. It BYOB’s longest show yet so keep that commute in the slow lane for The 100th episode of The BYOB Podcast.

You can find episode 100 here.

Alerts How-To for WS2012 Essentials

Paul Thurrott is back telling us how to cope with alerts in WS2012 Essentials.

Paul explains how the alerts work and how to ignore or delete an individual alert. We are also shown how you can be alerted to issues that are local to your own PC only instead of all networked PCs.

Alerts in WS2012e

You can find the post here.

Media Sharing in WS2012 Essentials

Paul Thurrot is back, this time with a tip for the WS2012 Essentials user.

How to enable and configure media sharing is Paul’s tip, who explains:

You’re prompted to set up Essentials 2012’s media server as part of the initial setup tasks in the Dashboard. That said, if you skip over this step, you can enable the media server at any time by visiting Settings, Media from the Dashboard. Just click the On button to enable it.

WS2012e Media Settings

Paul goes through the various settings including taking a look at DLNA and Xbox media sharing.

The Client Experience in WS2012 Essentials

Paul Thurrott continues his series looking at WS2012 Essentials by taking a look at the client experience.

Paul goes through the install steps and tells us what’s it like to what it’s like to join and use a domain and explains the Launchpad and Dashboard for WS2012e users.

WS2012e Launchpad

You can read Paul’s article here.

WD New Enterprise HDD with a 1.2 million hour MTBF

WD has released a new range of enterprise 3.5" hard drives running at 7200RPM with a 1.2 million hour MTBF.

Available in 2TB, 3TB and 4TB capacity the WD RE SATA hard drives have the following features:

  • Dual port, full duplex connectivity: For business-critical enterprise topologies.
  • 1.2M hours MTBF: Provides high level of reliability for 24×7 and up to 100% duty applications.
  • Planet friendly: RoHS compliant, halogen reduced components.
  • NoTouch ramp load technology: Recording heads never touch the disk media ensuring less wear to recording heads and media as well as better drive protection in transit.
  • Dual Stage Actuation (DSA) and Rotary Acceleration Feed Forward (RAFF): Best in class operation and performance when drives are used in vibration-prone, multi-drive chassis.
  • Capacity: For capacity enterprise storage solutions, such as scale out, cloud storage, RAID arrays, and NAS.
  • Reliability: 5-disk platform, 800GB per platter, SATA-interface, 6Gb/sec transfer rates built for high performance 24×7.

The 2TB model (WD2000FYYZ) costs $229, 3TB (WD3000FYYZ) $349 and the 4TB model (WD4000FYYZ) $459.

More from Western Digital.

The Home Server Show Podcast Episode 199


Episode 199 of "The Home Server Show" podcast is up:

One Ninety Nine. Jim has the night off so John and Dave tear through the news and discuss a lot of Essentials 2012.  If you have needed a shot of Essentials then fear not! Big news at the end of this show that will lead us into episode 200 and beyond.

You can find episode 199 here.

Time Machine back-up on WHS 2011 using iSCSI

josjev's avatarA member by the name of josjev at has written up how they got Time Machine backup working on WHS 2011 using iSCSI:

I am running WHS2011 as my home server and have been looking for a way to use it for Time Machine backups for my Mountain Lion Hack.

For a while i was achieving this through Freenas 8 running as a virtual machine on top of WHS2011, but transfer speeds never reached more than around 15 MB/s (WHS2011 is installed on a small HP Microserver with a relatively slow 1.3GHz dual core CPU.

After doing my homework on Google I have now a working iscsi connection reaching sustained transfer speeds up to and over 100MB/s!

To find out the steps josjev took, head on over to the following post: Working: Time Machine back-up on Windows Home Server 2011 using iSCSI

Add-In: CloudBerry Backup for WHS v 3.0

Version 3.0 of CloudBerry Backup for WHS (v1, 2011 and SBS 2011) has been released.

This latest release provides support for Amazon Glacier:

Amazon Glacier, a secure, reliable and low cost storage service designed for data archiving and backup. In order to keep costs low, Amazon Glacier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval times of several hours are suitable. With Amazon Glacier, you can reliably store large or small amounts of data for as little as $0.01 per gigabyte per month.

CloudBerry Glacier Storage Account

More details on this latest release are available from here.

Domains and how they Compare to Workgroups for WHS Users

Paul Thurrott PicAfter writing about how to connect PCs without using a domain in WS2012 Essentials, Paul Thurrott is back asking the question what is a domain, and is such a thing useful in a home office or very small business.

Its a great read for home server users, because as Paul states:

Many of those who had used Windows Home Server but no other type of Windows Server product have no idea what a domain is.

Aimed at Windows Home Server users, we are given a very basic overview of domains and how they compare to workgroups.

You can find Paul’s latest post here.

My Movies for WHS 2011 and Apple TV Working Together

If you would like to know how to use My Movies for Windows Home Server 2011 to copy your DVD or Blu-ray movies for use with your Apple TV, then the My Movies guys have a guide for you.

My Movies for WHS 2011 conversion for Apple TV

The guide explains how to create your existing movies to the special video format the Apple TV uses.

Its a full tutorial guide which you can find here.