Storage Spaces FAQ on TechNet

TechNet have a great FAQ on Storage Spaces, and go give you an idea of what’s in it, here’s the table of contents:

How can I manage Storage Spaces?
What are the recommended configuration limits?
What are the best uses of simple, mirror, and parity spaces?
What types of drives can I use with Storage Spaces?
What types of storage arrays can I use with Storage Spaces?
What types of storage spaces can I use with a failover cluster?
What properties can I change after creating a storage space?
How does Windows let me know of a disk failure?
How do I replace a physical disk?
What are columns and how does Storage Spaces decide how many to use?
     Example 1: A Two-Column Simple Space
     Example 2: A Three-Column Parity Space
     Example 3: A Two-Column Two-Way Mirror Space
     Controlling the Number of Columns
Why do I have a low capacity warning even though I still have unused pool capacity?
     A two column, two-way mirror space that uses thin provisioning in a four disk pool
How do I increase pool capacity?
What happens to Storage Spaces when moving physical disks between servers?
How do I prepare Storage Spaces for upgrading from the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to Windows 8 Release Preview?
How do I check Storage Spaces resiliency health in a failover cluster?
How do I know repairing a storage space starts and successfully completes?
What happens if I run out of physical capacity on a thinly provisioned storage space?

You can find the answers to all these questions here.

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