WS2012e Integration Module for Windows Azure Backup

Microsoft have released the Windows Server Essentials Integration Module for Windows Azure Backup.

Windows Azure Backup Forum

The add-in for WS2012 Essential users has been updated and can be downloaded directly from here.

A reboot might be needed if you don’t have the Visual C++ redistributable installed because it requires the server to reboot. After reboot, please launch the add-in installer again.

If you already have an old version of the Add-in software installed, then you need to:
1.Uninstall the old Add-in from the Dashboard;
2.Uninstall the Windows Azure Backup agent from the Control panel;
3.Reinstall the new Add-in

NOTE: During step #3, we’ll automatically reinstall the new Windows Azure Backup agent.

Known Issue

If you update the Windows Azure Backup agent before uninstalling the previous Windows Server Essentials Integration module for Windows Azure Backup, the Dashboard will crash. This is because of the compatibility issue between the old add-in and the new Windows Azure Backup agent. To fix this issue, follow the steps below:
1.Open the Dashboard in safe mode.
2.Disable the online backup add-in.
3.Go to Dashboard to uninstall the add-in.
4.Reinstall the new add-in.

Additional help and support is available in the Windows Azure Backup forum.

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