The Top 10 Ways Yo Kill Your Server

A great comical video for you entitled The Top 10 Ways Yo Kill Your Server. Please Note, that no software was harmed during the shooting of this movie!


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  1. john says:

    I wonder if the severs were running on windows stuff…

  2. Jordan says:

    Just use Windows Home Server and experience data corruption! Until WHS PP1 come out, Vista 64bit early adapters won’t even get the chance, due to the lack of support! And for those using the best of the best Microsoft has to offers, with Vista Ultimate’s Bitlocker, you’re actually locked out of using it as well.

    All this is done by Microsoft’s own doing. How could it be any worse?

  3. Chris says:

    Aaron, you are confused, backups can get corrupted too. WHS isn’t immune from data corruption. WHS does have a proven design flaw in it’s Drive Extender technology, but in addition WHS can corrupt all your backup files with an unscheduled reboot. In fact, Microsoft states two different stories, at the same time, keep your WHS 24/365 and don’t reboot all at the same time. If that wasn’t all, Microsoft also states, WHS shares files, and then states don’t edit, don’t copy, don’t work with any files from your PC client on WHS.

    That’s a lot of double talk, double delays and double expectations coming from Microsoft.

    Who can believe anything Microsoft says? Except pay them more money, and YES, there is a proven design flaw that you paid for…

  4. The Judge says:

    You’re too funny Aaron. You think everyone needs Microsoft to tell them it must be heard only from Microsoft to be true! Customers know when their WHS locks up, crashes, experiences data corruption, etc…

    This issue was already reported a long, long time ago. Even Philip Churchill had reported this!

    Quote, “It has been known that an unexpected or ill timed reboot can result in a “database inconsistency” error which can be impossible to recover from without losing all your backups.” – Philip Churchill

    Philip was wise to recommend a UPS backup power system for WHS. Only, nobody wants to talk about this, being how the current situation of using WHS has another data corruption known design flaw as KB 946676.

    Go review the prior MSWHS post again:

  5. Karmen says:

    Hey Aaron, it appears that you don’t run a server 24/365 or that you use XP/VISTA 24/365.

    For the rest of WHS customers, they plan to use their server 24/365. That means their certainly more at risk! And not only for data corruption, database inconsistency but also for security concerns, being online 24/365 too!

    How many attacks does it take to exploit WHS? Vista failed with SP1 and it’s the flagship. Ask yourself, how many of those WHS third party add-ins are secure?

    Are you sure? Will you reimburse those effected by either data corruption, database inconsistency or hacked WHS?

    Thought so…

  6. James Miller says:

    Who is this Aaron guy just some Microsoft Fanboi? Trying to downplay, twist and deny WHS has some issues? Just wait how many individuals using WHS will have something to say when they experience all their backup files to become corrupted. And we already know your NOT going to save them, to recover their data, so your point of view is actually meaningless, because you don’t stand behind anything but FUD.

    Case in point, WHS has a real legitimate database inconsistency issue, that everyone should be aware of, as I nobody would like having all their WHS backup files corrupted.

    Saying, it’s the same as like XP, your just ignorant! First XP doesn’t backup all your PC clients in XP, but everyone knows WHS does all the backup files, so it stands to reason, that when this sort of things happens, your going to experience what XP doesn’t even offer or provide!

  7. Kevin T. Royalty says:

    I don’t think anyone would say that most PC clients are used 24/7/365. However individuals most would confirm that their servers are! The point is, having a always on connection with your server is certainly going to expose your system to more security exploits than having a PC client turned off.

    As for security everyone now knows Vista SP1 failed. Does it matter that a third party application was the vector? It’s still Vista failing no matter how you look at it. And the same test proved that Linux passed, as nobody during these test could hack Linux. So that establishes Vista with SP1 at risk when using third party applications that fits the real world use by customers.

    Linux is FREE didn’t get hacked, and yet Aaron wants to says it doesn’t count. It does, and everyone knows it. For a 6 billion cost of creating Vista, that was suppose to be more secure, how is it that Linux was proven safer while Vista with SP1 failed, unless the operating system is still vunable if even with third party applications.

    I guess Aaron will not ue any third party applications in his Vista, but the rest of the world does and will. Which OS would you rather have and use if your serious about security? Proven hacked Vista with SP1 or proven Linux that wasn’t hacked? Seems clear to me.

  8. Meow says:

    It’s also interesting that on Microsoft’s flagship, it got hacked with the recent service pack 1. Why shouldn’t Vista be proven safe like Linux was using Adobe!

    The fact that Vista SP1 was hacked speaks for itself. It means, there is a lack or real security built into Vista, as even third party applications can exploit Vista.

    We didn’t see this happening with FREE Linux. Why pay and buy Vista and suffer yet another fault?

    If that wasn’t all, Vista still sucks, and everyone in the IT industry knows it. Enterprises are NOT upgrading to Vista even after Vista SP1.

    Even the public knows it, it’s just Microsoft trying to force upgrades if we want it or not. That’s going to make a great deal of individuals switch over to FREE Linux you can be sure even more!

    I say, that’s the best thing, as this only helps Linux grow even faster and better. Why be locked into the Microsoft Monopoly anyhow?

  9. Ryan says:

    I have no interest in booting from CD in order to do a full disk backup. That sounds painful. And yet that is exactly what WHS demands, as it doesn’t support active directly, so you got to insert the WHS CD to install the software!

    Nobody needs WHS to do daily backups. There’s tons of solutions that are way cheaper for that. All of which don’t cost you an arm and a leg, without a proven design flaw that leads to data corruption.

    Why buy WHS with data corruption, even if you plan to wait two months or more just to hope Microsoft will have it patched by then?

  10. Apple Rules says:

    @Aaron treats WHS customs as WHS bashers!

    moving on ——

    The truth is clear, WHS has by Microsoft’s own admissions, a proven design flaw that causes data corruption (KB 946676). There’s also no support for Vista 64bit, no support for Vista Bitlocker. Then there is the database inconsistency error which can be impossible to recover from without losing all your backups files.

    So your at risk for everything you use WHS for, be file sharing or backup. How is that okay? Russian Roulette!

    So by all means, don’t complain about how Vista opens the door for third party exploit vectors, just blame third party applications that were built for the one and only Vista operating system.

    The difference between Vista and Linux here is in that with Adobe, when they programmed their applications for Linux, it didn’t lead to take over hacked computer where Vista did.

    Deal with it, Vista SP1 sucks, and so does WHS!

    Nobody wants to risk their data, especially with a proven design flaw, that leads to and causes data corruption!

    That’s a sure way to kill a any server!

  11. Be Your Own Customer says:

    13 Ways Yo Kill Your WHS Server

    Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
    Microsoft Money 2007
    Microsoft Office Excel
    Microsoft Digital Image Library
    Microsoft Windows Vista Photo Gallery
    Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery
    Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
    Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
    Microsoft Windows Media Player 11
    Microsoft Zune Software
    Microsoft Virtual PC 2008
    Microsoft Project 2000
    Microsoft SyncToy 2.0 Beta

    This list comes from KB 946676 with a proven design flaw in the WHS Drive Extender code that causes data corruption. Wouldn’t you think Microsoft would have tested WHS with it’s own software? Apparently not!

  12. WHS and Cigarettes says:

    WHS is like cigarettes, because despite it’s “Wow” effect, it’s a cancer stick, eating away at your data. The more you smoke WHS, the more you’re at risk!

    Sort of sums it up doesn’t it. And coming out with a Cigar version isn’t going to be any better, just because Microsoft will claim, they spent 9 billion this time around too!

    Data corruption is totally inexcusable, unless you’re one of those amnesia fanboi’s oblivious to the facts. Didn’t they read their own KB 946676 posting? “Data Corruption” not to mention in how Microsoft’s own long list of software applications included here! Yikes! [That’s suddenly startled (informal)]

  13. Gn32 says:

    Ironic, Apple hacked, VISTA hacked, but Linux NOT hacked. Sort of sums it up!

  14. Ron says:

    Can anyone imagine WHS backing up 10 PC clients everyday without performance issues, balancing pools, all on one single hard drive?

    HP’s EX475 (sold with multiple HDD) only comes with 256MB or ram! Then try media sharing and transfer a video to the WHS and see just what happens. It’s embarrassing Microsoft would even call this a server, if even a home server for that!

    Then again, what family needs daily backups of their operating systems? And if you need backups of your personal files, almost anything can work here, even just a external USB hard drive with any of those common and FREELY available synchronizing applications.

    Heck, even some HDD’s come with this software when you purchase their HDD these days.

    Just how much backup does the common typical home user actually need?

    The truth is, if Windows didn’t sucks, crash, fail and BSOD so much, then consumers would only need to mirror their data for resiliency against hard drive hardware failures.

    RAID does that already and well established. It’s even better than daily backup, as you don’t have to wait a day!

    Hardware RAID 1 would be fine for most individuals at home, if given the knowledge.

  15. Richard Hay says:

    FACT: Most developers can’t write good code for even one version of Windows. Just think of how Adobe failed, for Microsoft Vista with SP1, hacked!

    On the other hand, Adobe didn’t have this problem writing code for Linux, proven fact, NOT hacked like Vista SP1.

    How many versions does Microsoft have for it’s Dot Net Framework, but v1, v1.1, v2, v3, v3.5 and counting… And guess what you need all of them installed. As different applications use different versions…

    Just like Vista, if you got Home Basic, your screwed, and if you got 64bit your screwed, and if you got even Premium NO RDP! Way to go Microsoft… 🙁

    It’s the same old pattern, poor written code, bloated and obsolete. It’s replace, upgrade, pay again for what you already had. It’s validate everytime you go online to Windows Update, after already activating, what you had already paid with receipt in hand.

    Now comes WHS, built on top of yet another OS called Windows Server 2003, only it is also poorly written with a fundamental design flaw, that’s without any resolution for more than half a year and continues to be delayed and sold to the public at large without including the warning.

    But, WHS lacks features, like Active Directory, and to appease customers, they slip in third party add-ins, that for the most part are all beta quality!

    Beta, beta and more beta for paid retail!

    Talk about compiling poor written code upon itself. And does anyone at all wonder why Vista needs a DVD disk, where as XP was sold on just a CD disk!

    That’s another good reason why Linux is superior, faster performance, and best of all, it works, is cheaper and improving by leaps and bounds.

    Nobody can say that with Microsoft’s shoddy code. Everyone has experienced Microsoft’s more than famous “Blue Screen of Death” operating system crashes.

    With Vista, it’s now a black screen of death. Is that improvement?

    WHS continues to NOT function correctly, with a proven design flaw, KB 946676, that leads and causes data corruption. And the best Microsoft can do, is blame Beta testers, downplay customer concerns, delay any resolution for many, many, many months, while promoting how GREAT WHS is suppose to be, when in all reality it totally blows, sucks and doesn’t even allow you to use it as intended.

    I already returned back my WHS and got a refund. Thank heaven I didn’t buy it directly from Microsoft, as they would have had me wait for the data corruption fix until June 2008.

    That’s totally inexcusable…!!!

  16. Dave says:

    Stamping the word “FACT” on a sentence doesn’t make it so.

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