Category: Tutorial


How Windows 8 Backup Differs from that in Windows 7

Of interest to us Home Server enthusiasts is an article from the How-To-Geek on how Windows 8’s backup system differs from that in Windows 7: Windows 8 contains a completely revamped backup system. Windows 8’s File History replaces Windows 7’s Windows Backup – if you use Windows Backup and update to Windows 8, you’ll find […]


HP Proliant MicroServer Purchase, Upgrade & Setup Guide

A user over at the TekForums has posted a Purchase, Upgrade & Setup Guide for the HP Proliant MicroServer with some interesting links and tip bits. Here’s a look at the list of contents: 1. Initial Purchase    1.1 – Specification    1.2 – Purchasing    1.3 – Warranty    1.4 – Additional accessories    […]


Understanding Windows 8 Storage Spaces

Blogger Tim Anderson helps us understand Windows 8 Storage Spaces, a confusing but powerful new feature in Microsoft’s next operating system: “Storage Spaces is a way of virtualising disk drives. You manage physical drives in a pool of storage, and allocate virtual drives from that pool. The virtual drives can be bigger than the actual […]


Migrate to Windows Server 2012 Essentials from Another Server

Rong Yu, program manager on the Windows Server 2012 Essentials team has written an article on how to migrate to Windows Server 2012 Essentials from another server: “One common scenario for migration is that users want to upgrade from a previous version of Windows Small Business Server (Windows SBS) or Windows Server. You may also […]


The Library Feature in Windows 8

Paul Thurrott has an article on overcoming the Library limitations in Windows 8 which is a great read for Windows Home Server users. The article reminds us how the library feature functions and then goes on to tell us how to add removable storage and network locations to a library which is what us Home […]


Manually Installing an SSL Certificate on SBS 2011 Essentials

If you would like to manually install your own SSL certificate into SBS 2011 Essentials then we have some help available for you. The wizard in Essentials pushes you to purchase your SSL Certificate from either Enom or GoDaddy and sadly you do not get the option to chose a manual installation. But website title […]


DNS Resolution on SBS 2011 Essentials

If you are having trouble with DNS Resolution on SBS 2011 Essentials then website Title (Required) have written a small PowerShell script to help you. The script has the values of your DNS forwarders which will allow you to force your DNS Forwarders to be something other than your Default Gateway or something else instead. […]


Manage Movies Using iHomeServer

Website "The Doc’s World" has some tips on how to manage movies properly using the add-in iHomeServer: “I have more than a 130 iPad movies in my collection and with an average size of about 1 Gig for each, there is no way to sync all of my movies on my device nor would I […]


Install Windows Server 2012 Essentials on the HP MediaSmart Server

If you have a HP MediaSmart Server would you like to install Windows Server 2012 Essentials onto it? If so then VieuxJules a user on the forums has already done so and tells us his experience of doing so in a 5 step process. First impressions: most notable benefit is Spaces (kind of an […]


Mac Mountain Lion Compatibility With WHS 2011

Microsoft have but up a Wiki article on Mac Mountain Lion Compatibility With Windows Home Server 2011, Small Business Server 2011 Essentials and Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials. The article highlights the following 2 issues: An error message pops up when deploying connector: “’Connector for Mac’ can’t be opened because it is from an […]